Expanding Horizons is a court ordered program designed to focus on emotional and physical health while strengthening the youth’s ties to the community. Through community, equality, consistency.

Our Team

  • “It’s not just that one kid you’re helping. You’re breaking generational poverty.”

    Andy Wilson, Sr. Advisor for Criminal Justice Policy for Governor Mike DeWine

  • “It’s helped me a lot to focus on the good stuff rather than the negative stuff that I used to focus on. I have even become more comfortable with other people. It’s been a good influence.”

    Expanding Horizons Athlete

  • “The biggest thing that facilitates change is relationship. So if these kids have a diagnostic issue, trauma…that coaching style has to be trauma sensitive.”

    Dr. Aaron Kuhn, Counseling and Consulting Services , LPCC-S, LICSC-CS

Let’s work together.

Interested in learning more about the benefits of setting up a program or need help finding an already existing gym in your area? Let’s chat.